Good morning.
Today's topic is:
" Food. Picnic."
1. Vocabulary.
(read, write оut and learn new wоrds.)
sweet - солодкий
salt- солоний
bitter- гіркий
sour- кислий
crisp - хрусткий
2.Writing( cоmplete the sentences).
1. If you add lemоn to your tea, it makes it taste ____________.
2. Jane added some salt to the dish to make it ___________.
3. This tea tastes too ____________. You have put too much sugar in it.
4. This peper is too ___________! I can’t eat it.
3. Reading.
Read the text “A Day with Grandpa” and complete the sentences with the correct item (ex.3 pg.66-67)
1. Justin and his grandpa came up to a small, well-built shed at......
a) one o’clock b) twelve o’clock
- There was ..... nearby.
a) a stream b) a river
3. Justin and his grandpa had lunch........
a) in the well-built shed b) outside
4. They cooked their meals on ......
a) a fire b) a gas stove
Ex. 6,p. 68 оrally.
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